Tokyo Outfit Diary
“Can I hack the system and be a maximalist with a minimum amount of clothes?” I always dreamed about the convenience of having a ‘capsule’ wardrobe. But then I also thought, ‘capsule’ wardrobe only belongs to some group of people with certain aesthetic and style: the minimalists. I didn’t think it could work on […]
Tokyo Nostalgic Disco
Sneaking into Tokyo’s oldies dance party called ‘Showa Kayo Night’. It was Wednesday night when a friend of mine who lives in Tokyo, Deby, texted us when are we doing this Thursday night. She found this event roaming around her Facebook page, a disco party playing 50’s – 80’s Japanese pop tunes (Showa era) for […]
Tokyo: The Street, The Style & The Candids
Absorbing Tokyo’s streets and corners during their busiest month in fashion.
Tokyo Fashion Week in 35mm Film
Tokyo Fashion Week through my 35mm film lens during Indonesian streetwear brand Patrick Owen show, Spring-Summer 2018. In Patrick Owen asymmetrical tartan dress.
Bangkok Fashion Week Diary in 35mm Film
35mm Diary: Strangers of My Dreams
My 35mm journey with disposable camera, indispensable people.